Privacy Policy

Welcome to the Privacy Policy of TouchShort, encompassing its various iterations and subsequent versions, inclusive of the TouchShort APP version (collectively referred to herein as " TouchShort ", "we", "us", or "our"). This Privacy Policy is an integral part of and governed by our User Terms of Service. Within this Privacy Policy ("Policy"), our products and services are referred to as "Services."
A. Introduction
Your service provider is Chong Qing Sheng Rui Culture Communication Co., Limited, We recognize the importance of your privacy and take it very seriously. Your privacy and correspondence are of paramount importance to us, and we pledge to maintain transparency in the use of the information we collect. This Privacy Policy describes TouchShort's policy and procedures regarding the collection, use, disclosure, and sharing of your personal information or personal data, as well as your access to or use of our website, application, and/or services. Please take note that by using TouchShort, it signifies that you unconditionally accept this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to the terms in this Privacy Policy, please refrain from using TouchShort services. This Privacy Policy is important. We hope that you will take the time to read it carefully.

B. Age Restrictions
TouchShort is not intended for use by children. Children under the age of 12 are not permitted to use our website, application, and/or services for any purpose. TouchShort will never intentionally solicit or accept personal identifying information or other content from users or visitors known to be under 12 years of age. If TouchShort discovers that a user under the age of 12 has created an account, or if a user or visitor under the age of 12 has posted personal identifying information or other content to the service, TouchShort will terminate that account and delete the information or other content.
Users between the ages of 12 and 18 (hereinafter referred to as "Teenagers") must not visit accounts established without the supervision and permission of their legal guardians, parents, or custodians. If you allow teenagers to use the service, it is solely your responsibility, regardless of whether such use is authorized by you.

C. Data Collection
We want you to understand the types of information we collect when you use our services. We use this information to operate, develop, and improve our services, from understanding basic information such as the language you speak, to more complex information, such as the types of advertisements you might find most useful or the online content you are most likely to enjoy.
When you interact with our website, application, and services, we collect information that can be used to identify you ("Personal Data"). Some of the information we collect is stored in a way that cannot be linked back to you ("Non-Personal Data").
When you register, we collect and store information in your account (usually your nickname, email address, and account password), and we consider this information to be personal. This information may include, but is not limited to, your Internet Protocol address, browser type, browser language, date and time of your query, and cookie data. We will request permission to access this information from the account, such as your name and email address. You can stop sharing this information with us at any time by deleting TouchShort's access to the account identifier.
This collection helps us do things like maintaining your language preferences during browsing sessions.
If you choose to use any third-party services to complete orders and payments, you will directly provide these services with your credit card number if you are a paying customer. If you choose to participate, these information will be used to provide personalized help and instructions. The information we collect and how it is used depends on how you use our services and how you manage your privacy controls.

D. Use of Your Data
TouchShort uses your data when necessary to fulfill our contractual obligations to you and to serve our legitimate business interests. The purposes for processing and using your data are as follows: to help us provide and manage our website, application, and services, to authenticate users for security purposes, to provide personalized user features and access, to process transactions, to conduct research, to develop new features, and to improve our functionalities, algorithms, and the usability of our website, application, and/or services.
We also use your data to communicate with you regarding your use of our website, application, and/or services, to announce product updates and software updates, and to respond to your support requests, including providing account verification assistance when you have difficulty accessing your account.
We may send you direct marketing messages and special offers about our products and services through inbox messages. If you do not wish to receive any of the aforementioned messages, please contact us at any time after creating your account or at any subsequent time via
This indicates that the user content associated with your account can be used when utilizing our services.
We calculate summary statistics on the number of devices using our website, application, and services, and detect and prevent fraud and misuse of these devices.
We use operational measures to improve your experience, analyze our website, and verify parents through payment processes.
For your convenience in making purchases on our website and services, and to facilitate the creation of your payment account, we verify your real name.
We use third-party payment platforms to process your payments.
For example, we will know how many users visited a specific page on the website and which links they clicked. We use this aggregated information to better understand and optimize the website.
Your information may be transferred to, or maintained on, servers or databases outside of your country or jurisdiction (including Singapore), and processed and maintained in these servers or databases. If you choose to use our services or provide us with your information, your information may be processed or maintained in these places. The laws of these countries or jurisdictions may not be as protective as those in your country or region. If you do not wish for your information to be transferred to places outside of your country or jurisdiction, you should not use our website, application, and/or services.

E. Cookies
We use cookies to provide, protect, and promote our products.
A "cookie" is a small file containing a string of characters that is sent to your computer when you visit a website. Cookies can be retained on your device for various periods of time. Some cookies are "session cookies," which means they only exist while your browser or application is open.
When you close your browser or application, these are automatically deleted. Other cookies are "permanent cookies," which means they remain on your browser or application even after it is closed. When you reopen and use the service again, the service can use cookies to recognize your device.
We use cookies to improve the quality of our service and to better understand how people interact with us. We use cookies to:
● Verify login information.
● Track traffic and usage patterns related to the service.
● Understand the total number of visitors and device types that continuously access the service.
● Monitor the performance of the service and continually improve it.
● Customize and enhance your online experience.
● Provide you with customer service.
You have the right to choose whether to accept cookies. However, please note that if you choose to refuse cookies, you may not be able to use all the features of the service.
Most devices (for mobile applications) and browsers (for web applications and pages) are initially set to accept cookies and allow you to change your cookie settings. These settings are usually found in the "Options" or "Preferences" menu of the browser. You can instruct your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent.

F. Information Sharing
a. Sharing Information on Our Website, Application, and/or Services
Any information you include in your publicly visible TouchShort profile, which may include your profile ID, nickname, photo, and personal introduction, will be shared on our website, application, and/or services to maintain your account and requests according to your instructions.
b. Sharing Your Data Outside of Our Website, Application, and/or Services
Some features related to TouchShort allow you to share information with people outside the TouchShort network. For example, publicly accessible blogs and forums, or certain social media features within TouchShort (such as "social plugins" that create direct links between two websites) allow you to repost and disclose shared information. If you use these features to share information, third parties not associated with us may be able to see and use it.
The information we share with such third parties is described to you at the time of your first use of the service or feature. We require these third parties to provide the same or equivalent user data protection as stated in this policy. You can control which third parties can access this information in your account. You can change this at any time according to this. If you request that we do not share this information with third parties, you may no longer be able to use the service or feature. We are not responsible for any third-party use of any information you provide to them.
We will not rent or sell your personal information to other companies or individuals without your consent.

G. Information Security
We implement appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access or unauthorized alteration, disclosure, or destruction of data.We restrict access to your personal information to employees who need to know that information in order to operate, develop, or improve our services.

H. Updating Your Information
We provide mechanisms for updating and correcting your personally identifiable information and non-personal information for many of our services.
You also have the right to access the personal information we hold about you, how we use that information, and who we share it with. You also have the right to correct that information. You can log into your account at any time to access and correct your personal information.
For correction requests, where we agree that personal information is inaccurate or incomplete, we will attempt to inform any third parties to whom we have disclosed the relevant personal information so that they can also correct the personal information.

I. Deleting Your Data
You can contact us at any time via . to request the deletion of your data. We will assess such requests on a case-by-case basis. For our legitimate business interests (including fraud detection and prevention) and to comply with our legal obligations (including tax, legal reporting, and audit obligations), we may retain some of your data for as long as necessary. Sometimes, your request can only be satisfied by closing your account.
You can delete your account, and you should understand that by deleting your account, you will lose the right to access or use the platform in whole or in part.

J. Changes to This Policy
We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will not diminish your rights under this Privacy Policy without your explicit consent, and we will provide an archived version for you to review. If the changes are significant, we will provide more prominent notice (including, for some services, inbox notifications of Privacy Policy changes). Such changes will apply to any and all information provided by individuals who access, use, or sign up for the services at any time after creating an account. Please note that accessing or using the TouchShort platform signifies your unconditional acceptance of the updated Privacy Policy.

K. Third-Party Advertisers and Links to Other Platforms
TouchShort allows other companies, known as third-party ad servers or ad networks, to serve advertisements within the TouchShort platform. These third-party ad servers or ad networks use technology to directly send to you the ads and links that appear on TouchShort. When an ad is served, they automatically receive your IP address. They may also use other technologies (such as cookies, JavaScript, or web beacons) to measure the effectiveness of their ads and to personalize the content of the ads you see.
Without your consent, TouchShort will not provide any personally identifiable information to these third-party ad servers or ad networks, unless as part of a specific program or feature that you can choose to opt-in or opt-out of. You should review the privacy policies of these third-party ad servers or ad networks to understand more about their practices and for instructions on how to opt-out of certain practices. TouchShort 's privacy policy does not apply to such other advertisers or websites, and we cannot control their activities. Any information obtained by third-party ad servers for subsequent maintenance and processing with the 7th party is not within our control.

L. Contact us
If you have any questions or concerns about this Policy or TouchShort's privacy practices, please contact us by email at .
You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent data protection authority if you have any questions or concerns about TouchShort 's processing of your personal data.

